Day: July 16, 2024

Does Snoring Need An ENT Doctor Specialty?

Some people snore when sleeping, without even recognizing they do. Some noticed they snore while sleeping, and stop when awake. They change their sleeping position because they believe it can help them not to snore. Is this a fact?

Well, nobody can say it is true unless claimed by an eye nose and throat doctor. Although some say that snoring is just normal, it needs to be diagnosed by an ENT doctor. It is important to know your health circulation to avoid the worst health issues in the future.

Why do people snore?

There is a science behind people snoring for some reasons. Some may say it is hereditary and some reason is being overweight. Overweight people experience nasal blockage and decongestion. Weak lungs are also the reason why people snore, especially smokers.

Snoring doesn’t only affect the physical health of a person, but social and emotional health too. A partner may not tell you how annoying it is to have someone snoring beside you while sleeping. ENT specialists are trained to handle snoring and can address underlying health concerns. It can cause you to snore and recommends some steps to minimize snoring issues.

eye nose and throat doctor

ENT specialists can help with the concern about snoring.

How does an ENT doctor alleviate snoring?

There are treatment options for snoring treatments, such as continuous positive air pressure machines. The machines are effective in preventing airway obstruction while sleeping. Nasal devices are like strips that open the nasal passages to reduce snoring due to congestion.

Treatment options performed by an ENT doctor for snoring

Palatal procedures

Palatal implants are a pillar procedure that involves placing rigid fiber implants into the roof of the mouth. The procedure is performed under the local anesthesia in an office. The implants strengthen the palate and decrease vibration. It can flutter the causes of snoring.

The barbed suspension sutures lift the palate. The potential benefits of the method include:

  • mild discomfort
  • fast recovery

Injection snoreplasty

The method is done by the ENT doctor with an application of local anesthesia. The chemical used for the snoreplasty will be injected into the soft palate. The succeeding inflammation and scar tissue can stiffen the palate.

The mostly used agent is sodium tetradecyl sulfate used to treat varicose veins. The procedure is done by an ENT doctor and nobody can do that but only the specialist.

When should you send yourself to the ENT doctor?

Excessive snoring

Snoring leads to serious health problems, such as:

  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease
  • stroke

It is linked to depression and diabetes. When you notice that you experience excessive snoring, you need to talk to an ENT doctor. Snoring may not be that serious now, but can be in the future. If you experience loud and disruptive snoring, it is the right time to get treated.

An ENT doctor doesn’t only have the potential to diagnose, but also to help your snoring problem be eliminated. There are many causes of snoring that range from mild to severe health conditions. Excessive snoring can’t be an ordinary sign, it might cause serious conditions in the future that you don’t want to happen.